Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sociobiology Essays - Anthropology, Evolutionary Biology, Ethology

Sociobiology In the middle of this century, bot biological and cultural anthropology experiences a major change in theory. In biological anthropology, biological anthropologists adopted an approach which focused on the gene. They saw the human evolution as the process of genetic adaptation to the environment. In the mean time, there were also cultural analogies to evolution. Cultural evolution also followed a process of adaptation. In the field of anthropology, a very important theory is that of the sociobiologists. Sociobiologists focus on adaptation and reproductive success rather than progress toward perfection. Edward O. Wilson was one of the most important of them. He adopted an approach that focused on the level of the gene. He saw social behavior as controlled, in principle, by particular genes, and he saw evolution as occurring at this level because reproductive success amounted to increasing the frequency of certain genes in future generations. However, the insistence of sociobiologists on grounding at least some behavior in universal human genetic predisposition runs contrary to cultural anthropologists' emphasis on the primacy of culture itself as the determinant of human social life. Several distinct approaches can be identified in contemporary sociobiology. The first one is evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary psychology is concerned primarily with the analysis of the mind as a device formed by natural selection. The second focus is human behavioral ecology. It emphasized populations rather than cultures, human population biology, as well as evolutionary ecology. The difference from evolutionary psychology is that it focuses on testing the hypotheses that culturally patterned traits actually enhance fitness rather than mind. The third approach involves the search for human universals. People advocating this kind of approach concentrate on discovering the characteristics found in all human societies. (McGee and Warms, 1996) However, this universal evolution point of view is rejected by other anthropologists such as Julian Steward. Steward developed an ecological approach that focused on the adaptation of individual cultures to specific environmental circumstances rather than trying to find out the universal law of human evolution and adaptation. He devoted most of his energy to the study of the environmental adaptation of specific societies. He did not believe that cultures followed a single universal sequence of development. Instead, he proposed that cultures could evolve in any number of distinct patterns depending on their environmental circumstances. He called his theory multilinear evolution. He also proposed that cultures in similar environments would tend to follow the same developmental sequences and formulate similar responses to their environmental challenges. (McGee and Warms, 1996) However, the multilinear point of view was not proposed by other anthropologists such as Leslie White. White concludes that unilineal evolutionary theory was fundamentally sound. He argued that evolutionary development from simple to complex, with increasing specialization of parts, was valid bot for cultures and for biology. He also proposed a grand, universal law of cultural evolution by means of the control of energy as the key factor in cultural evolution: culture advances as the amount of energy harnessed per capita per ear increases, or as the efficiency with which energy is utilized increases. (McGee and Warms, 1996) Still, there were other anthropologists who proposed both a multiliear and a universal law of evolution. For example, George Peter Murdock was interested in the statistical testing of cross-cultural hypotheses. His cross-cultural comparisons of cultural traits in many ways paralleled Steward's theory of multilinear evolution. In the meantime, he also believed that a universal set of principle governed the relationship between family structure, kinship, and marriage practices. In this sense, his attempts to statistically demonstrate universal principles of kin relation s resembled White's effort to formulate a universal theory of cultural evolution. (McGee and Warms, 1996) Besides, William C. Boyd also suggests that there is no doubt that some rectilinearity can often be observed in evolution. Nevertheless, rectilinear evolution is far from universal. (Boyd, 1952) Another key issue concerning human evolution is the issue of race. The definition of race, according to many anthropologists, is based on the frequency of certain genes. William C. Boyd defines race as that "A race is not an individual, and it is not a single genotype, but it is a group of individuals more or less from the same geographical area (a population), usually with a number of identical genes, but in which many different types may occur." His definition or race is a genetic one. (Boyd, 1952) Echoing Boyd, Dobzhansky also suggests that races arise chiefly as a result of the ordering of the genetic variability by natural selection in conformity with the environmental conditions in different territories. He said that "since human population often, in fact

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Gambiling

At first it may be a scratch of a lotto ticket, but eventually it could be stealing to support an addiction. Americans love to roll the dice, bet on the game, try their luck at lottery tickets, or even try to master video machines that spit out an occasional coin (Controlling Add. to Gambling). Gambling has become increasingly legitimate and socially acceptable in the United States. According to Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Weekly, with gambling being one of our fastest growing industries, it attracts more customers than baseball games or movies (Legalized Gambling Increases, Treatment Needs 1). The proliferation of gambling has entertained millions of people, but it has done so at a steep price. To some people, it is only a game, but to many gambling is a serious addiction, becoming an uncontrollable behavior that can lead to financial and personal ruin. According to Economist Magazine, gambling addiction affects an estimated 3,000,000 Americans and statistics show that one out of every ten people who play the games will become a compulsive gambler. Gambling addictions have the same characteristics as other types of addictions, including mental preoccupation with the behavior, disregard for the negative consequences, loss of control, and progressive worsening of symptoms. In fact, these pathological gamblers tend to focus on the euphoric thrill of risking money in attempts to win more (Gambling on the Future). For some gamblers, a night of this entertainment is not dangerous, but the mark of the problem gambler is the progression from the five dollar table to the $50 table, from $1,000 bets to $100,000, and from gambling several hours a week to several hours a day. Acc ording to psychologist Robert Hunter, â€Å"The worst thing for a compulsive gambler is a big win to keep him in action† (Horn 34). Those obsessed with gambling, know the power that betting can hold over them. Arnie Wexler, a past gambler, now the executive direc... Free Essays on Gambiling Free Essays on Gambiling At first it may be a scratch of a lotto ticket, but eventually it could be stealing to support an addiction. Americans love to roll the dice, bet on the game, try their luck at lottery tickets, or even try to master video machines that spit out an occasional coin (Controlling Add. to Gambling). Gambling has become increasingly legitimate and socially acceptable in the United States. According to Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Weekly, with gambling being one of our fastest growing industries, it attracts more customers than baseball games or movies (Legalized Gambling Increases, Treatment Needs 1). The proliferation of gambling has entertained millions of people, but it has done so at a steep price. To some people, it is only a game, but to many gambling is a serious addiction, becoming an uncontrollable behavior that can lead to financial and personal ruin. According to Economist Magazine, gambling addiction affects an estimated 3,000,000 Americans and statistics show that one out of every ten people who play the games will become a compulsive gambler. Gambling addictions have the same characteristics as other types of addictions, including mental preoccupation with the behavior, disregard for the negative consequences, loss of control, and progressive worsening of symptoms. In fact, these pathological gamblers tend to focus on the euphoric thrill of risking money in attempts to win more (Gambling on the Future). For some gamblers, a night of this entertainment is not dangerous, but the mark of the problem gambler is the progression from the five dollar table to the $50 table, from $1,000 bets to $100,000, and from gambling several hours a week to several hours a day. Acc ording to psychologist Robert Hunter, â€Å"The worst thing for a compulsive gambler is a big win to keep him in action† (Horn 34). Those obsessed with gambling, know the power that betting can hold over them. Arnie Wexler, a past gambler, now the executive direc...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Battle of Mill Springs - Civil War Battle of Mill Springs

Battle of Mill Springs - Civil War Battle of Mill Springs The Battle of Mill Springs - Conflict: The Battle of Mill Springs was an early battle in the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders: Union Brigadier General George H. Thomas4,400 men Confederate Major General George Crittenden5,900 men Battle of Mill Springs - Date: Thomas defeated Crittenden on January 19, 1862. Battle of Mill Springs - Background: In early 1862, Confederate defenses in the West were led by General Albert Sidney Johnston and were thinly spread from Columbus, KY east to the Cumberland Gap. A vital pass, the gap was held by the brigade of Brigadier General Felix Zollicoffer as part of Major General George B. Crittendens Military District of Eastern Tennessee. Having secured the gap, Zollicoffer moved north in November 1861, to position his forces closer to Confederate troops in Bowling Green and to take control of the area around Somerset. A military novice and former politician, Zollicoffer arrived at Mill Springs, KY and elected to move across the Cumberland River rather than fortify the heights around the town. Taking a position on the north bank, he believed that his brigade was in a better position to strike at Union troops in the area. Alerted to Zollicoffers movement, both Johnston and Crittenden ordered him to recross the Cumberland and situate himself on the more defensible south bank. Zollicoffer refused to comply, believing that he lacked sufficient boats for the crossing and citing concerns that he could be attacked with his men divided. Battle of Mill Springs - The Union Advances: Aware of the Confederate presence in Mill Springs, the Union leadership directed Brigadier General George H. Thomas to move against Zollicoffer and Crittendens forces. Arriving at Logans Crossroads, approximately ten miles north of Mill Springs, with three brigades on January 17, Thomas paused to await the arrival of a fourth under Brigadier General Albin Schoepf. Alerted to the Union advance, Crittenden ordered Zollicoffer to attack Thomas before Schoepf could reach Logans Crossroads. Departing on the evening of January 18, his men marched nine miles through rain and mud to reach the Union position by morning. Battle of Mill Springs - Zollicoffer Killed: Attacking at dawn, the tired Confederates first encountered Union pickets under Colonel Frank Wolford. Pressing his attack with the 15th Mississippi and 20th Tennessee, Zollicoffer soon encountered stubborn resistance from the 10th Indiana and 4th Kentucky. Taking a position in a ravine forward of the Union line, the Confederates made use of the protection it provided and maintained a heavy fire. As the fighting lulled, Zollicoffer, conspicuous in a white rain coat, moved to reconnoiter the lines. Becoming confused in smoke, he approached the 4th Kentuckys lines believing them to be Confederates. Before he could realize his mistake, he was shot and killed, possibly by Colonel Speed Fry, commander of the 4th Kentucky. With their commander dead, the tide began to turn against the rebels. Arriving on the field, Thomas quickly took control of the situation and stabilized the Union line, while increasing pressure on the Confederates. Rallying Zollicoffers men, Crittenden committed the brigade of Brigadier General William Carroll to the fight. As the fighting raged, Thomas ordered the 2nd Minnesota to maintain their fire and pushed forward the 9th Ohio. Battle of Mill Springs - Union Victory: Advancing, the 9th Ohio succeeded in turning the Confederate left flank. Their line collapsing from the Union attack, Crittendens men began fleeing back towards Mill Springs. Frantically crossing the Cumberland, they abandoned 12 guns, 150 wagons, over 1,000 animals, and all of their wounded on the north bank. The retreat did not end until the men reached the area around Murfreesboro, TN. Aftermath of the Battle of Mill Springs: The Battle of Mill Springs cost Thomas 39 killed and 207 wounded, while Crittenden lost 125 killed and 404 wounded or missing. Believed to have been intoxicated during the fighting, Crittenden was relieved of his command. The victory at Mill Springs was one of the first triumphs for the Union and saw Thomas open a breach in the western Confederate defenses. This was quickly followed by Brigadier General Ulysses S. Grants victories at Forts Henry and Donelson in February. Confederate forces would not control the Mill Springs area against until the weeks before the Battle of Perryville in autumn 1862. Selected Sources Mill Springs Battlefield AssociationNational Park Service: Battle of Mill SpringsCivil War Trust: Battle of Mill Springs

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

War Scroll (1QM) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

War Scroll (1QM) - Research Paper Example From the current discussion it can be comprehended that the War Scrolls were discovered with the other Qumran Scrolls. It is a manual that lays out military strategy and organization for a serious war that seems to be the final showdown of years of divergence amongst two different groups of people. These groups are indicated in the scrolls as the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness. From the point of view of researcher, the War Scrolls demonstrate the theoretical framework and conception of a group of people who belonged to the sect that hid the Qumran Scrolls in the cave. The author of the discussion infers this logically because at the time that the scrolls are dated (that is 50 BCE), Ancient Israel was under Roman Rule. Roman Rule was seen by many Jews of Ancient Israel as a rule perpetrated by people of an evil background. This is because many sources including the Christian New Testament indicate that the Jewish people of Ancient Israel had little regards for non-Jews. Th ey also saw the rule of Rome as some form of evil oppression that prevented Jews from carrying out the commandments in the Laws of Moses. So it appears that the scrolls meant the final wars and battles that would be fought between Israel and the Roman nation that would ultimately liberate Israel from its enemies. However, there are numerous interpretations that have various logical backings. Content Image 1.1 The War Scrolls 1QM: Courtesy of Hebrew University of Jerusalem The War Scrolls , 1QM is made up of 19 columns (Sukenik 1955, 1). It contains descriptions of the final showdown between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. Since the display is not very clear and easily understandable to the modern man (ie it is not in chapters and verses as we have it in the Bible of today), it is divided into columns for the purpose of analysis amongst modern day theologists and social scientists. Philip Davies (1977) identifies that the 1QM or War Scrolls is divided into four main Parts . Part 1 which includes Columns 2 to 9 of the scrolls. It is about the basic elements of the war and it gives a description of the organization of the armies of the wars and the composition of the various units of the war and its spiritual implications which is paralleled with the 12 Tribes of Israel and the protection of the Covenant between Israel and God. Part 2 of the 1QM gives a background to the conflict and explains it into more details and includes some liturgical elements that makes the war more of a religious one than a secular one. It covers columns 14 to 19. Part 3 covers columns 10 – 14 whilst Part 4 is about column 1 which predicts the eventual victory of the Sons of Light over the Sons of Darkness. The extract from Image 1.1 above echoes elements from Numbers 10:9 (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2011 paragraph 1). This indicates that the war is to be fought with the various elements of a fair war which are outlined in the Torah in Numbers 10 and repeated by Mo ses in Deuteronomy 20. This includes amongst other things, the fact that a religious war should be sanctioned with a special priest from the descendants of Aaron who are known amongst Jews today as the Kohanim. The 1QM scrolls indicate that a special Kohen has to declare certain things to the soldiers before a religious war is sanctioned. This implies that the Sons of Light are really involved in some elements of Jewish religious life. The Sons of Light in the Qumran Scrolls are referred to as Yahad ( Yahad has a strong

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Research Paper on Why So Many Failed Drug Tests with Athletes in

On Why So Many Failed Drug Tests with Athletes in Professional Sports - Research Paper Example School level education programs are really essential to increase athletes’ awareness of the negative effects of substance abuse and thus to create an anti-doping culture. Please find enclosed my article titled, â€Å"Failed Drug Tests with Athletes in Professional Sports† for your kind perusal. This overview of the alarming issue of drug abuse and falsified performance tendencies among athletes makes an empirical study of the scenario with a list of actual cases and citations for the relevance and accuracy of the material. This article exposes the real facets of the influence of the contrabands at the core of reality with a belief that investigative studies in the field of ethical and health issues may be encouraged for the benefit of a transparent sports world. While being aware of the very fact that complete elimination of performance-enhancing drugs is not practical in the near future, a few recommendations are suggested in the article to regulate the management of global sports for total dope-free competitions. Apart from addressing the issue from a social and individual perspective, for the compilation of this article, names of several prolific sports personalities who have been defamed for having failed tests for doping or substance misuse have been mentioned. Although the references are not deliberate, it is expected that the inclusion of such names will mark a symbolic effect among the readers about the social and professional destruction caused by this evil tendency. Thus, with due humility and appreciation for your excellence, I submit this article before you. I hope the compromises made at meeting the standards at different areas may be excused and this work will be considered for a favorable approval. Professional sports have been a primary area of concern for most of the developed countries since ancient periods because they perceived sport activities as an opportunity to demonstrate their

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Acrobatics Workshop Essay Example for Free

Acrobatics Workshop Essay No matter which figures or pyramids are being tried, the facilitator must make sure that there are catchers present to prevent injuries. Participants should be instructed how to catch one another and to take responsibility for others in the group.  1. Description of the activity  Part 1 Warming Up Trust Exercises  A. The participants are put into pairs. One partner becomes a guide, the other becomes blind. The guide takes their blind partner for a walk (around the grounds, over obstacles, etc. ) while holding hands. After some minutes the partners change roles. Variations: Follow the same steps as above, but have the seeing partner lead with only one finger. Alternatively, have the seeing partner lead using only their voice no physical contact between partners.  B. In pairs, participants stand face to face with their feet together and holding hands. Each person leans back carefully with full body strength by stretching their arms. The challenge is to maintain balance.  C. All participants stand together in a circle and hold hands. Count off into 1s and 2s. On the signal, using all their strength, the 1s lean inside while the 2s lean outside. After a few seconds, carefully pull back into a normal circle and then change (2s inside, 1s outside). D. In small groups (3-7 persons), one person stands in the middle of a circle. Standing stiff and without moving their feet, the one in the middle falls from one person to another and is slowly passed around inside the circle. After some moments, change roles. Give everyone a chance to be in the middle.  Variation: you can also do this with just three persons. The one in the middle is slowly passed forward and backwards between two persons. Part 2 Stretching  Before trying actual figures, it is important to warm up the joints and the muscles. Gently stretch legs, arms, neck, and shoulders. Dont forget to pay attention to the wrists and ankles, too.  Part 3 First Acrobatic Steps  3A. Napoleon (3 persons):   The first person goes down and takes the bench position; the second person goes up and forms a bench on top of the first person (see diagram 4)   The first person goes down and takes bench position; second person goes up and stands on the shoulders and hip of the bench. Keeping their balance, the bench slowly starts to walk forwards on their hands and knees (see diagram 10). (Remember you must NEVER stand in the middle of the benchs back, only on their shoulders and hips!) The third person is always the catcher for the person who is up.  3B. Knee stands (4 persons)   The first person goes down and takes the bench position; second person sits down on the benchs hips (facing benchs feet); taking the second persons hands, third person goes up and stands on second persons knees (keep holding hands). If second and third person can balance on their own, the bench can walk away, leaving the two in balance position. The fourth person is the catcher. 3C. Galion figure (4 persons)  Ã‚  The same as 3B (above), but second and third person open op their arms on one side and look in the same direction. (You still need the fourth person as catcher.)  Part 4 Pyramids and standing on shoulders  Once participants have grasped the basic steps, they can proceed onto building pyramids and making new shapes (see diagrams in section D Some Pyramids).  2. General remarks  Who can do acrobatics? Acrobatics can be used with groups of all ages: teenagers, adults, even children from 4 or 5 years of age. It is important to include the warming up and trust-building exercises, especially if the people in the group do not know each other very well. Stretching and warming-up the muscles is important to avoid accidents. Everyone in the group should be taught the catchers tasks. The group has to take responsibility for itself it is up to everyone to look out for one another. Why use acrobatics?  Acrobatics is a perfect method for team-building at any age. Its good to learn to give and to take help from one another. Even if you have only a short amount of time, participants can learn amazing things like building pyramids or standing on shoulders. Acrobatics can help people learn about taking responsibility for others but also about respecting limits (their own and other persons). The atmosphere in the workshop should allow participants to say if they dont want to try a certain figure or activity. An extra touch  If you have more time (e.g. the group stays together several days), the participants can put together a presentation. This is a great way for the group to show off what they have learned (especially good for children and young adults).  Accessibility  Some groups may have specific needs (e.g. older participants or individuals with physical or mental disabilities), but these are not reasons for people to be excluded. For example, past experiments with acrobatics has shown that its possible to include people who might be missing a limb or even those in wheelchairs. There may be some limits, but in most cases it just takes some fantasy to create new forms and figures which include all members of the group. 3. Literature  There are many resources to be found describing acrobatics and other circus activities. Two of these include:  1. Rudi Ballreich, Udo v. Grabowiecki (Hg.), Zirkus spielen. Ein Handbuch, 1999 Stuttgart/Leipzig. Not only about acrobatics but all circus skills you can use with young people, tips for presentation as well. (German language)  2. J.M. Fodero/E.E. Furblur, Creating Gymnastics, Pyramids and Balances. Leisure Press, Champaign, Illinois, 1989. This book focuses only on acrobatics and has a great amount of drawings for figures for 2 persons up to pyramids with 15 or more persons. For beginners to advanced. You can find some figures presented in the book on the Internet: (A German-language edition of this book is available under the title Menschenpyramiden.)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

History of Shakespeare :: Essays Papers

History of Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon, England. His father, John Shakespeare, was a glover. He was very successful and well respected in society, as a mayor, town council man, and justice of peace. Mary Arden, Shakespeare's mother, was from a wealthy family and with John Shakespeare, they had eight children. Shakespeare went to Stratford Grammar School where he studied the Greek and Latin, and grew to love to read. It is said that his formal education ended here. On November 27, 1582, Shakespeare married Ann Hathaway who was twenty-eight years old. They had their first daughter, Susanna, on May 26, 1583 and after two years they had a twins, Judith and Hamnet. Hamnet died at the age of eleven in 1596. There are no written documents or evidence of Shakespeare between the years 1585-1592. In 1593, after establishing himself as an actor and play writer, Shakespeare with the help of his friend, Henry Wriothsley who sponsored him, wrote two long poems. His first poem, "Venus and Adonius", was written in 1593 . Then in 1594, he wrote his second long poem, "Rape of Lucrece". During that year the theatres in London opened up again after the plague. Shakespeare began to work for the "Lord Chamberlain's Men" company who later became known as "The King's Men" in 1603 after King James took over. This company became the largest and most famous acting company in London, due to Shakespeare's plays and works. In 1599, "The Globe" theatre was built, a many of Shakespeare's plays were performed there, and soon other theatres followed such as "The Curtain" and "The Rose" theatres. As an actor, director, writer, and stockholder in his acting company, Shakespeare soon became a very wealthy man. In 1597, Shakespeare brought "New Place", which was a very large house for his family to live in. In 1611, Shakespeare left London and retired. On March 25, 1616, Shakespeare made a will and he died on April 23, 1616 at the age of fifty-two.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Affects Of Smoking Health And Social Care Essay

Smoke is one of the major slayers in our society today. It has a batch of effects on the human wellness. These effects can be really serious and many times lifelessly. Cigarettes contain more than over 4000 toxic chemicals. Smoking affects every map of the organic structure, from the internal variety meats to the immune system in the organic structure. Furthermore, smoking contributes to about two million premature deceases and more than one million chronic diseases in America each twelvemonth. Smoke is a bad wont which controls the immature and the old. It is the figure one slayer in the USA. This slayer is preventable but yet North America has non figure out how to halt it. ( 1 ) Smoke can escort person to a timely grave, but it can besides impact some one twenty-four hours after twenty-four hours. This bad wont is derived from baccy, a works that grows wildly throughout many parts of the tropical universe for its cherished foliages. These ill-famed foliages are by and large smoked or chewed as a penchant of pick by huge bulk of people. Many surveies have found dealingss between smoke and a less stamina capacity. ( 2 ) The habit-forming agent found in coffin nails is called nicotine, which can besides be used to command person weight addition. These side effects are large in athleticss and some day-to-day activities. Many surveies had been conducted, showing that if person smoked so they do less physical activity. One of the experiments conducted was on tobacco users and non-smokers ; they were tested by running a endurance contest. The people who conducted the experiments took a big set of mainly non-smokers and calculated their modus operandi. In the race the distance that was run was face-to-face associated to the day-to-day coffin nail usage. ( 3 ) The decision of the exper iment was that the more person smoked, the less distance person can run. The longer a tobacco user participant in the race, the poorer they performed. In the experiment, the mean non-smoker could run about 2615 metres in 10 proceedingss, while a tobacco user with less than 2 old ages of experience who smoked about 20 coffin nails a twenty-four hours could merely run about 2285 metres. A tobacco user with more than 4 old ages of experience who smoke about 20 coffin nails a twenty-four hours could merely run 2185 metres. ( 4 ) These consequences show how the hapless pick people make can diminish their day-to-day public presentation the more they smoke in their life-time. Robert C. Klesges had conducted an experiment that found that although tobacco users did less free clip activities and played small or no athleticss, they will sometimes make a similar sum of anaerobiotic activities. ( 5 ) This besides showed that tobacco users had the same energy consummation as non tobacco users, in tending that their eating wonts were non cause in their fittingness degrees. ( 6 ) The trial showed that cut down aerophilic physical motion can intend that smoking causes a encouragement in carboxyhemoglobin. Carboxyhemoglobin is the lessening of O that is transporting the capacity of the blood, which can do hypoxia in the tissues and can take to cut down physical public presentation. ( 7 ) Furthermore, smoke is really harmful to one of the most of import systems in the organic structure which is the respiratory system. Smoking affects the staying power capableness more than any other factor of fittingness like musculus strength or velocity. If an jock smokes they would no longer be able to utilize their musculuss every bit affect as they would desire to because of ability to transport O. Most athleticss and day-to-day activities require the jock to utilize big sums of energy. Athletes who smoke will non be able to acquire the necessary sum O to their organic structure, which can do them to execute at a really hapless degree. In some surveies scientist had proven that even if person fumes, when they quit smoking, there degrees of physical activity will increase their organic structure. ( 8 ) When you look at all the great jocks in the universe, for illustration, Usain Bolt, LeBron James, Dwayne Wade, Candice Parker Michael Philips and the William sisters none of them ha ve consume a baccy merchandise. Another ground why smoke is harmful is because of the effects it has on the human organic structure and how the nicotine affects organic structure weight. Nicotine is the drug that is found in coffin nails. This is by and large what gets tobacco users addicted to tobacco merchandises. Even through many different experiments has shown that tobacco users have a inclination to weigh less than non tobacco users. ( 9 ) Multiple skin crease trials were conducted during the experiments and the measuring of weight. More experiments that were conducted to demo how the rats had considerable less sum of carcase fat, intending that nicotine affects where shops fat. The more the rats got the nicotine the less fat they were. In the hypothesis the nicotine affected these fats by altering the enzymes in the ordinance and the triglycerides for illustration adipose tissue and lipoprotein lipase. ( 10 ) With many trials conducted one trial showed that 2.8 % of tobacco users have a lower entire organic structure fat. ( 11 ) The trial besides showed that tobacco users eat more Calories per twenty-four hours than non tobacco users. With all the trials conducted, research workers have concluded that nicotine can increase the metabolic rate. The trials besides found that nicotine had no tumorigenic affect on any critical organ in the organic structure, which means if nicotine is taken ; it should be breathe in as a clean substance. Another feature of the affects of nicotine on weight is when the organic structure is no longer given nicotine. Most tobacco users quit found that they gained weight after. Scientists have calculated that the mean weight addition after person quits smoke is about 5 lbs 14. This is one fright of why most tobacco users do n't discontinue because of the weight they will derive. The horror of organic structure expression is what because most people non to disconti nue smoke. The affects of nicotine can be a great weight loss drug. It can assist people in athleticss, where the jock would necessitate to be light on weight. Surveies have proven that if it merely nicotine so it is non harmful to the organic structure, but it can be if it is given with baccy. ( 16 ) The jock would non see the physical effects of smoking on the organic structure, but can still hold control of their weight when utilizing nicotine. Cigarette smoke is the most of import hazard factor for immature work forces and adult females. ( 14 ) Smoke can still hold many different effects on the human organic structure. It affects the O transporting capacity of the blood and the lungs but nicotine is non truly harmful to the organic structure. When nicotine is used it can be a powerful weight loss drug. The affects of smoke can do person to do a determination on whether to smoke. Some other things that smoking can do are malignant neoplastic disease, diabetes, bosom jobs, Pregnancy and childhood jobs, and tegument jobs. Smoking cause about 30 % of all malignant neoplastic disease deceases and about 87 % of lung malignant neoplastic disease deceases. Smoking can increase person hazard of acquiring 15 different malignant neoplastic diseases including nasal, pharynx, lip, pit, oral cavity, gorge, voice box, pancreas, kidney, neck, tummy and vesica. When person uses baccy when they have diabetes they are increasing their hazard of deceasing. There blood sugar degrees will raise and take to insulin opposition. A tobacco user who smokes more than 20 coffin nails a twenty-four hours duplicate their hazards of developing diabetes compare against people who do n't smoke. Smoking besides put a batch of strain on the bosom. Smoking can duplicate person opportunities of deceasing from coronary bosom disease which is the taking cause of decease in America. Roughly about 9 00,000 people die from coronary bosom disease each twelvemonth. Smoke can do blood vass providing the bosom to go narrow. Sometimes it can do blood curdling, raise blood force per unit area and weaken an arteria. When the arteria is weaken due smoking it is call abdominal aortal aneurism. Woman who smoke when they are pregnant dual their opportunities of holding a low birth weight babe. She can besides increase her opportunity of non doing it during the gestation. Babies that do last may increase their opportunities of acquiring asthma and ear infections. Harmonizing to Richard Hurt manager of the Nicotine Dependence Center at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Min â€Å" baccy contains more than 4,000 chemicals in baccy can damage collagen and elastic, fibres that give clamber its strength and snap. As a consequence, tegument begins to droop and purse prematurely. † ( 12 ) It should be notes that Cigarette smoke increases the hazard of coronary bosom disease by itself and besides increases the hazard of perennial coronary bosom disease after beltway surgery. ( 14 ) Secondhand fume is besides another slayer in the USA. Second manus fume is when person inhales the fume from a firing baccy merchandise. Peoples can be exposed to secondhand fume in many different countries like at places, in your auto, and at the occupation. Other topographic points can include public topographic points, like bars, eating houses, and college. Peoples who inhale the fume are exposing their organic structures to about 4,000 different chemicals. At least 250 of the chemicals are harmful to the human organic structure for illustration, C monoxide, ammonium hydroxide, and H nitrile. More than 50 of the toxic chemicals can do malignant neoplastic disease to people who do n't even smoke but are at the incorrect topographic point at the incorrect clip. Inhaling secondhand fume can do lung malignant neoplastic disease in nonsmoking grownups and kids. About 3,000 lung malignant neoplastic disease deceases occur each twelvemonth among big nonsmokers in the America due the expo sure to secondhand fume. Second manus fume can increase a nonsmoker ‘s opportunities of developing lung malignant neoplastic disease by 20 to 30 % . Besides some research showed that secondhand fume may increase the hazard of rhinal sinus pit malignant neoplastic disease, nasopharyngeal malignant neoplastic disease and chest malignant neoplastic disease in grownups. In kids 2nd manus smoke can do the hazard of leukaemia, lymphoma, and encephalon tumours. As a consequence, around one in a 100 deceases worldwide are due to inactive smoke, which kills an estimated 600,000 people a twelvemonth, World Health Organization ( WHO ) research workers said. ( 3 ) Smoke is a danger to anything that breathes. Smoking baccy can kill the people who smoke and the people who do n't. This slayer is preventable if everyone merely stays off. In add-on, coffin nail smoke is as widespread and important as a hazard factor that the Surgeon General has called it â€Å" the taking preventable cause of disease and deceases in the United States. † ( 5 ) Therefore, one should believe twice about the serious effects and hazard factor before doing the pick or patterns of smoking. As it is ever believed that wherever there is fume, there will decidedly be fire, the taking combination in the cause of decease and devastation in the universe. Citation: Paul, Slovic. Smoke: hazard, perceptual experience & A ; policy. 1. 1000s oak California: Phase Publication, 2001. 78. Print. â€Å" Cigarette Use in the U.S. , 1985-2002. † World Almanac and Book of Facts. World Almanac Education Group, 2004. 1417. 24 Oct. 2010. â€Å" Cigarette Use in the U.S. , 1985-2001. † World Almanac and Book of Facts. World Almanac Education Group, 2003. 1408. 24 Oct. 2010. â€Å" smoke. † The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th erectile dysfunction. Columbia University Press, 2000. 35912. 18 Oct. 2010. â€Å" What ‘s bad about smoke. ( Tobacco ) . † Get Smart About Drugs, ( Grades 2 – 3 ) , a Weekly Reader publication. Weekly Reader Corp. , 2001. 10+ . 19 Oct. 2010. â€Å" Avoid the Nicotine Trap. ( Unit 3: Tobacco ) . † Get Smart About Drugs, ( Grades 7 – 9 ) , a Weekly Reader publication. Weekly Reader Corp. , 2001. 18+ . 19 Oct. 2010. â€Å" Cigarette usage in the U.S. , 1985-2004. ( Critical Statistics ) ( Statistical tabular array ) . † World Almanac and Book of Facts. World Almanac Education Group, 2006. 183. 19 Oct. 2010. â€Å" It ‘s Not Cool To Use Tobacco: Talking Out Against Smoking. ( Harmful Substances ) . † Staying Healthy 3, a Weekly Reader publication. Weekly Reader Corp. , 1994. S20+ . 20 Oct. 2010. Document URL â€Å" Some Benefits of Discontinuing Smoking. † World Almanac and Book of Facts. World Almanac Education Group, 2002. 549. 20 Oct. 2010. â€Å" Tendencies in day-to-day usage of coffin nails, for U.S. 8th, 10th, and 12th graders. ( Health ) ( Statistical tabular array ) . † World Almanac and Book of Facts. World Almanac Education Group, 2006. 166. General OneFile. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. â€Å" Unit 3: Harmful Substances. † Staying Healthy 3, a Weekly Reader publication. Weekly Reader Corp. , 1994. 6. 20 Oct. 2010.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Conflict and war are inevitable in life

We are going to be discussing â€Å"Conflict and war are inevitable in life.† First of all, you cannot imagine a world without conflict and war as they are happening every day. Human beings are prone to conflict and war. War and peace are like Ying and Yang. They are combined and nothing can separate it. Needless wars occur around the world endlessly. Conflicts which are occurring now are: 1. Riots e.g: In Egypt. According to the BBC website, over 100 people have been killed due to the riots. You can disagree by saying† however, the police in Egypt are controlling the riots and rioters begin to decrease by each day according to the BBC. This shows that conflicts can be resolved is not inevitable.† 1. Our fellow teachers, like our Mr Harland are going on strike this Wednesday due to their pensions. This is out of the context however this is still a way of causing troubles in our society. â€Å"They are doing this because if they don’t they won’t be able to survive anymore. It won’t be fair on them would it?† Let’s think back a few years. Racism was very common in the United States and in many parts of Europe. Conflict and wars were created due to racism. People had to suffer in order to survive. Americans used coloured people (black) as slaves to do their bidding. This was inevitable in life! Yes it was a tragedy however that too has been resolved. People change their ways to a greater good. Rosa Parks was an extraordinary example. She stood up towards the white people and due to this, racism was soon abolished. So if it wasn’t for Rosa Parks, would racism have gone even further? Would I be sitting here having this discussion? Wars also occurred and are still occurring in around the globe. For example 1. Afghanistan. The British have to assist as well which endangers many soldiers and innocent people who did not want any of this to occur. All this happened because of one man. (Gadaffi). We are still trying to maintain peace around the world by assisting those in need. However, isn’t helping in the war going to increase the number of battles fought and how many more should have to die? I have also heard that the war in Sri Lanka has ended and people are rebuilding their lives. Wars get created and solved all the time. The Ultimate goal of war and conflict in my opinion is because of jealousy towards a person or people and for the satisfaction of human needs. Even in Julius Caesar, Mark Anthony and Octavius go up against Brutus and Cassius in a needless war. Why should people have to die without any cause or reason? This is exactly why war and conflict are inevitable in life.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Chinese Cultural Revolution essays

Chinese Cultural Revolution essays The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was a ten-year political campaign with objectives to revolutionize china with the cultural and political ideologies of Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong launched the Great Leap Forward in 1959, which was a complete disaster. To help bring China out of the economic depression caused by the Great Leap Forward, Mao Zedong began the Cultural Revolution in Beijing, China and it lasted from 1966-1976. (The Cultural Revolution) The goal of the Cultural Revolution was to steer China away from the lines of the Soviet model and into its own form of government. (The Cultural Revolution) Mao thus ultimately adopted four goals for the Cultural Revolution. They were to replace his designated successors with leaders more faithful to his current thinking; To rectify the Chinese Communist Party; To provide China's youths with a revolutionary experience and lastly, to achieve some specific policy changes so as to make the educational, health care, and cultural systems less elitist (The Cultural Revolution). During this time, thousands were killed and millions of people were imprisoned or exiled. In our presentation, we will discuss how the Cultural Revolution began, the advantages, disadvantages and the effects it had on China during this time. Mao Zedong launched the Cultural Revolution for three reasons. One was to make China distinct from the Soviet Union, second was to renew the spirit of China and third was to re-establish his ideologies (Chinese Cultural Revolution). His role had been diminished due to the failure of the Great Leap Forward. The Great Leap Forward was aimed at China making a Leap Forward into modernization. (BBC News). Mao began to promote technology and overnight all the rice and crop fields were turned into factories. Around 23,000 communes were created each controlling its own means of production. Farmers did not know what to do with all the new technology that was built on ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Environmental Discourse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environmental Discourse - Essay Example Green Evangelicalism Prelli and Winters (2009, p.224) state that there are different views presented by Christian evangelicals and environmentalists regarding environmental problems like human-induced global warming and climate change. When evangelicals presented the idea to make interventions to fight climate change, they were struck with surprise by environmentalists and common people because they were not expecting them to point out this issue. â€Å"†¦many people were struck by the apparent incongruity of American evangelicals addressing the climate change problem†, state Prelli and Winters (2009, p.225). Sustainable Development The supporters of sustainable development argue that sustainable construction gives important consideration to the environmental impacts besides creating a structure or building that is user-friendly and comfortable. It ensures that damage risks to the building, residents and environment are eliminated. The main objective of sustainable constr uction is to build healthier buildings which tend to comfort society, improve biodiversity, reduce polluting emissions, and ensure less consumption of resources. The opponents of this discourse believe that sustainable development has â€Å"certain serious shortcomings that need to be addressed† (Haque, 2000, p.3).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Discuss the controversies that have occurred around the issue of race Essay

Discuss the controversies that have occurred around the issue of race and intelligence - Essay Example According to scientists, the relation between the two constructs race and intelligence cannot be defined accurately (Sternberg, 2005). Psychologists and sociologists have come up with different views on what the constructs imply. In their attempt to correlate them, researchers have only given way to more contradictory ideas. It is a common belief that level of intelligence varies from race to race. This belief has fuelled controversy over the issue of racial discrimination on the basis of intelligence quotient or IQ. Nisbett (2005) states that there is a difference of intelligence level among the Blacks and the Whites. He further claims that the Whites have scored over the Blacks in intelligence testing by one deviation point. However, Nisbett’s point is countered by the view that intelligence testing methods vary depending on the socio-cultural context of the individual (Sternberg, 2005). There have been a lot of debates and discussions over the analysis of intelligence and its genetic bearing. Though it is an abstract concept but can be measured by means of a number of techniques that keep on evolving. Experts are of the opinion that as intelligence is multi-dimensional in nature and conceptually vary from society to society it calls for different conceptual methods of measuring it (Neisser et al, 1996). Of late there happens to be a disagreement over the authenticity and validity of IQ test patterns as it has been declared to be outdated in ascertaining the intelligence level or mental ability of different races. It is because of the simple reason that the conceptual construct varies culturally and socially. As a result the attributes that make for intelligence within the Chinese might not be so for the Americans. Therefore it could be said that the IQ test’s predictability is limited (Neisser, 1996). Neisser’s views though